The Prison in Twelve Landscapes

By Lightbox Film Center (other events)

Monday, December 5 2022 7:30 PM 9:30 PM EDT

Director Brett Story in person

The Prison in Twelve Landscapes is a film about the prison and its life in the American landscape: from a California mountainside where female prisoners fight raging wildfires, to a Bronx warehouse full of goods destined for the state correctional system, to an Appalachian coal town betting its future on the promise of prison jobs.

Screening with support from cinéSPEAK, and Haverford College as part of Imagining Abolitionist Futures, a year-long Hurford Center initiative exploring the role of the arts and humanities in the struggle to dismantle the carceral state and build reparative practices and institutions in the place of a system driven by racism, retribution, and violence.